819.682.8888 ac.leicnesse%40ofni 153 rue Principale, Gatineau (Aylmer)

819.682.8888 ac.leicnesse%40ofni 153 rue Principale, Gatineau (Aylmer)


Pregnancy Massage


You are expecting a baby ... What an exciting time for you! It is also a time of great changes for your body and you may experience pain or discomfort. Massage therapy can ease this pain and prepare you for the months to come.
Our therapists are trained to work with you to create an effective and safe treatment during your pregnancy that will complement the care you receive from your doctor or other health care professional. 
Cushions and supports designed specifically for pregnant women are used to ensure your safety and comfort during your massage.

The benefits of Massage


The advantages of massage during pregnancy are:

• Stress reduction and complete relaxation
• Relief of cramps and spasms, especially in the lower back, neck, hips and legs
• Better blood and lymphatic circulation and, by the same token, reduced edema
• Reduced stress on the joints that bear the weight improves the flexibility of the skin and underlying tissues
• Provided support to the new mother for the physical and emotional difficulties of motherhood

A moment of self-care
